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Anti smoke temptations

Anti smoke temptations


Dr. Kimo quit smoking "Anti smoking herbal remedies, is one  main stock remedy, it has a remarkable effect, helping smokers to overcome over acute temptations and  nicotine addiction no matter how long or how much one has smoked. you notice the effect from the first treatment….

  • Effect:

    "Herbs against smoking temptations" have an incredible effect against acute temptations, among other things by blocking the nicotine receptors and removing the desire for nicotine and smoke.

    • Blocks the nicotine receptor
    • Removes the desire to smoke
    • Creates a horrible and unpleasant effect against the smell and taste of tobacco
    • Gives ex-smokers more control over smoking habits.
  • More info

    When and how: It must be used for strong temptations, regardless of how long you have stopped smoking.

    This medicine "Herbs against smoking temptations" is already included in"Anti temptation package"Stop smoking "home package"and"Smoking cessation course"with other aids.


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